At the Capital Area Budokai we are dedicated to the proliferation of Japanese Budo or Martial Ways. We are students of Kendo, Atarashii Naginata, Kyudo, Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo, Nakamura Ryu Battodo, Toyama Ryu Iaido, and Mugai Ryu Iaihyodo.

The Budokai is an association of several local organizations that are in direct contact with their roots in Japan: The Northern Virginia Kendokai, Northern Virginia Tendokan, Northern Virginia Kyudokai, Virginia Kenskonkai, the Capital Area Jodokai, and the Northern Virginia Mugaikai.
Our classes are held in the evenings throughout the week and during the day on weekends. We have two training locations, the historic Cherrydale Fire Hall in Arlington Virginia and the Oswald Durant Community Center in Alexandria Virginia. Click on the menu links on the left for our current Schedule and Directions to our training locations.